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Storia e ricerca: un binomio inscindibile. La memoria di un popolo, le sue origini, le sue tradizioni, i fatti accaduti, i traguardi raggiunti e le grandi tragedie subite. Ricercare tra le fonti, gli archivi, i libri, i giornali, le riviste, le testimonianze, le memorie di chi ha vissuto da protagonista o da spettatore avvenimenti che hanno caratterizzato la storia della nostra nazione, e del nostro mondo.
Finalmente la seconda ristampa.
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Tutti gli stati, le organizzazioni, i partiti, nel corso della lunga storia dell'umanità, da quando è apparsa la scrittura e il consorzio umano, ha usato la propaganda per vari scopi: raggiungere il potere, mantenerlo, creare consenso o malcontento, deviare il corso della politica o sobillare gli animi.
Eppure il termine "propaganda" non è antichissimo. A quanto ricordo, la prima volta che comparve con il significato ancor oggi valido, ossia "difendere le proprie opinioni, farle conoscere e diffonderle, oppure diffondere calunnie e falsità, con l'obiettivo di danneggiare le idee altrui, danneggiando magari la reputazione dei propri avversari (politici, economici, sportivi, ecc.) risale al Xi secolo, quando la Chiesa cattolica si vede minacciata dallo scisma tedesco capeggiato da Lutero, in contrasto con la dubbia moralità della concessione dell'indulgenza dai peccati in cambio di vile denaro. L'adesione al movimento religioso che verrà definito Protestesimo è fulmineo nei paesi nordici. Poco c'entra la concezione della fede cristiana, ma è l'occasione per i principi che si dividttono quel che resta del Sacro Romano impero (risorgerà con Carlo VII e si trascinerà a stento fino all'inizio del XIX secolo). Proprio per difendere la supremazia della Chiesa, il suo diritto a nominare i Vescovi e soprattìutto a trattenere le decime, Gregorio XV istituisce la Congregazione denominata "De Propaganda fide", ovvero la diffusione della "Vera" religione, in contrasto con tutte le altre "erronee" o peggio "eretiche".
Dal 1622 al 1914 il passo non è certo breve, ma nemmeno abissale. Con la fine della società del XIX secolo e l'ingenua fede nella scienza come soluzione ai mali dell'umanità e l'inizio del grande massacro consentito proprio dalle nuove tecnologie scientifiche e industriali convertite alla guerra e alla fabbrica della morte di massa, inizia anche la battaglia della propaganda.
La nuova tecnologia ha inventato il telegrafo, il telefono, la radio, accanto alla diffusione della stampa a portata di tutti, ai manifesti murali, ai proclami altisonanti con cui si chiamano tutti al "sacro dovere" di prendere le armi e partecipare al grande macello di popoli gettati uno contro l'altro senza nemmeno comprenderne il motivo.
E' tramite la nuova arma non meno letale delle altre che i governi, i partiti, le dinastie, portano avanti le loro battaglie comodamente al riparo delle redazioni o dei ministeri. Si mischiano i fatti con le invenzioni, si distorcono gli accadimenti, si amplificano i fatti insignificanti, a seconda della convenienza delle parti. Al contrario, grandi massacri vengono tenuti nascosti. Nessunoéé legge del genocidio degli armeni, perchè non conviene irritare la Turchia fino a che non deciderà da quale parte stare nel conflitto che da europeo diventa mondiale.
La propaganda degli interventisti italiani (pochi ma ben foraggiati dal denaro francese) provoca le "radiose giornate del maggio" ossia poche manifestazioni di grande clamore mediatico. L'Italia della carta stampata è in mano all'Ansaldo, che produrrà cannoni, o alla famiglia Agnelli, che farà fortuna con le famose autoblinde, e le terribili mitragliatrici "Fiat", e via di seguito.
Nessuno descrive la morte orribile della trincea, il terribile fetore dei cimiteri al chiaro di luna, con i soldati che imputridiscono gli uni accanto agli altri nella terra di nessuno, sotto lo sguardo dei loro commilitoni ai quali toccherà la stessa sorte.
La propaganda accusa i tedeschi di atrocità, alcune realmente accadute altre inventate per avere violato la neutralità del Belgio.
La menzogna stampata, diffusa via radio, esaltata dai proclami militari, prosegue anche a guerra finita, e preparerà gli animi al secondo bagno di sangue, ancora più mostruoso.
Quella che vedete sopra è la pubblicità della Radio del popolo, venduta a prezzi stracciati dal regime di Hitler.
Lo stesso da noi, con la Radio Balilla, e in America, con la General Electric Radio Company.
Il cinema aiuterà la sforzo preparatorio, la stampa nasconderà i terribili crimini che si preparano in Germania contro gli ebrei. La croce rossa coprirà tutto in nome della politica di equilibrio, e in Russia tutti leggono la Pravda, ovvero la Verità (di stato)
Saltando di quasi un secolo, la propaganda ha sempre il suo peso, e le ultime elezioni lo hanno confermato. Intanto rischiamo la fine del mondo, l'olocausto nucleare, e nel frattempo aspettiamo i nomi del nuovo governo.
Fortebraccio (Carlo)
Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland previously admitted that Ukraine is the host of "biological research facilities".
Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland expressed
concern that they could come under the control of Russian forces.
However, Washington denied that there was any research aimed at creating
biological weapons.
At the request of Russia, the UN Security
Council is meeting in New York to discuss "U.S. biological activities on
the territory of Ukraine".
This came after the Russian armed
forces announced on March 7 that they had discovered 30 biological
compounds in Ukraine, saying that the facilities were probably involved
in the production of biological weapons.
"Documents were available to the Russian Ministry of Defense confirming that a network of 30 biological laboratories had been set up in Ukraine to improve the pathogenic properties of deadly diseases, including plague, anthrax, tularemia and cholera," the UN Security Council said in a statement. The issue of biolaboratories in Ukraine was raised by the Permanent Representative of Russia Vasily Nebenzya. "We convened today's meeting because Russia's conduct of a special military operation in Ukraine revealed really shocking facts about the urgent cleansing of the Kyiv regime from the traces of the military-biological program that Kyiv is implementing with the support of the U.S. Department of Defense," he added.
Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies
Measure supported by Biden will provide $6.5bn to the Pentagon for military assistance, $6.7bn to care for refugees.
“We’re giving the Ukrainians billions for food, medicine, shelter, and support for the over two million refugees who have had to leave Ukraine,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, adding the funding would provide for “weapons transfers” of Javelin anti-tank missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.
The Ukraine aid was attached to an omnibus $1.5 trillion annual spending bill that passed the House of Representatives on Wednesday and was approved by the Senate amid rising anger among US legislators at Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that has forced more than 2.5 million people to flee their homes and killed thousands.
President Biden reaffirmed on Thursday the US and NATO allies were sending more weapons and aid to Ukraine.
“We will make sure Ukraine has weapons to defend against an invading Russian force. We will send money and food and aid to save the Ukrainian people,” Biden said in remarks at the White House.
The US has sent more than $1bn in security assistance and military aid to Ukraine during the past year including anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons, “with new shipments arriving every day”, Biden said.
Vice President Kamala Harris visiting Poland on Thursday announced $53m in US humanitarian support to Ukraine bringing to $107m in humanitarian aid provided in the past two weeks along with hundreds of millions in additional aid from 30 other countries, the US president said.
Tens of thousands of tonnes of humanitarian supplies, food, water and medicines are being shipped into Ukraine by truck and rail on daily basis, he said.
Biden and other NATO leaders are under increasing pressure to help Ukraine as images of death and destruction wrought by Russian forces reach Western nations.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that the $13.6bn allocates roughly $6.5bn to the Pentagon for military assistance and about $6.7bn to care for refugees and provide economic aid to eastern European allies.
She said the bill is likely to be just the start of much broader aid for Ukraine’s war effort, which other US officials have said could take years or decades.
A group of 40 Republican US senators, meanwhile, are imploring the Biden administration in a letter to reverse course and allow the transfer of Poland’s MiG fighter jets to the Ukrainians to fight the Russian invasion.
“Enough talk. People are dying,” Senator Mitt Romney said at a Capitol Hill media conference on Thursday. “Send them the planes they need.”
General Mark Milley, chairman of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, was reaching out to members of Congress to discuss the Polish MiG issue with lawmakers, senators said.
Poland took the US by surprise on Tuesday with its public offer to exchange its Russian-made MiG fighter jets in for new US-made F-16 fighters. It intended to turn them over to the US at an American airbase, allowing the MiGs to be re-flagged in Germany and transferred to Ukraine, but the US and NATO rejected the proposal as likely to lead to an expansion of the war.
Republican Senator Susan Collins said it was hard to see the destruction – especially the Russian air raid on a maternity hospital – and be opposed to providing the Ukrainians “with these essential aircraft”.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had implored US lawmakers during the weekend to supply the Polish MiGs to help his people to defend against the attack from Russia.
Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican, said in a pair of tweets the failure to send MiGs to Ukraine was “a major misstep”.
A bomb was reported on a flight to Moscow, and the plane is returning to Belgrade. MIA counter-diversion teams are on the ground
According to the latest information, during the flight JU-652 from Belgrade to Moscow, which took off at 2.15 p.m., an email arrived at the Nikola Tesla Airport that there was an explosive device in the aircraft.
From the beginning of the war in Ukraine, there was talk again about enigmatic military detachments, the Foreign Legion and other paramilitaries.
Source: B92Of all the military units in Ukraine, the Azov Battalion is the most intriguing.
The Austrian daily "Osterreich" pointed out that there is a neo-Nazi
regiment "Azov" in Ukraine, which is under the command of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs and which is fighting against Russian forces.
The paper emphasizes that this is not Kremlin propaganda, but that this regiment exists.
A paramilitary formation with about 2.000 fighters was formed during
the Ukrainian crisis in 2014 to help the army fight pro-Russian
separatists in eastern Ukraine, the daily added. The paper points out
that the headquarters of the neo-Nazi regiment is in Berdiansk in the
south of Ukraine.
As in 2014, members of this volunteer
regiment of ultranationalist and Nazi attitudes are fighting in
Mariupol. Their emblem was also used by the SS troops of the Third
Members of the Azov Regiment have excellent contacts
with right-wing extremist groups and neo-Nazi parties in Europe, and
their supporters are now calling for support through social media.
"Osterreich" states that the "Azov" regiment is an argument for the
Kremlin, which justified the military operation by alleging
"denazification" of Ukraine. The paper reminds that the UN also
documented several crimes committed by members of the "Azov" regiment in
The paper also reports that the Russian media are full
of information about the attacks of the Azov regiment on residential
buildings in Mariupol, but it also adds that these allegations cannot be
Finalmente la seconda ristampa. Eccola sul nuovo sito dell'editore